Thursday, January 21, 2010

Filming the Ladies Who Lunch Pilot

Taking a project from concept to completion can sometimes be a long and twisting road. I have learned that on that road the most important thing is not the destination, but the journey that you take to get there. And what a journey it has been so far!!
Ladies Who Lunch may have taken nine months to pull it all together, but the locations were chosen, I had a director, a model sidekick and a set schedule for shooting. Coordinating everyone’s schedules had finally happened and we were ready to shoot.
In true Hollywood fashion, we shot the last segment of the show first. Getting into the groove of working together for the first time with a director and crew is always challenging. It’s kind of like a dance and you need to know where your partner is going, when to lead and when to follow. That first shoot ran much longer than we anticipated, but we got good footage and it was almost a baptism ritual that kicked off the upcoming shooting schedule. As each segment was shot, we relaxed more with each other and though the days could be long, we actually started to have fun.
As we finished filming the last segment of the Los Angeles episode of Ladies Who Lunch, I was filled with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, I was relieved that all had been shot and that it had all gone according to schedule and had gone well. On the other hand, there is always that feeling of let down when you have been working towards something for so long and then it is over. Before melancholy could set in, I realized that although the shooting was complete, there was still so much to do before the project was ready to pitch.
Over the next months, there will be web sites to be built, footage to edit, voice-overs to write and record, music to choose, and on and on and on. While I could take joy in the finish of the filming, this journey is far from over. It is just beginning and I am ever more curious to see where it will take me!!

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