Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ladies Who Lunch: Son Jung Wan Spring 2020!

It is officially Spring. Yes, I know it doesn’t feel like it right now in most places in the US, but as of March 21 it is officially Spring. And while most of us are housebound due to the current pandemic crisis, It would be nice to have a little levity and focus on the future and beautiful things!

One of the beautiful things that we can enjoy the visuals of now and keep are sights on once we can go shopping again is the Son Jung Wan Spring 2020 Collection!

For Spring/Summer 2020, Son Jung Wan created a collection that begins from all things that compose splendor.  The collection conveys the concept of splendor by utilizing an interesting mix of fabrics in a diverse spectrum of colors.  Son Jung Wan also uses the glamour of vintage looks that she reinterprets into a modern light.

Son Jung Wan Spring/Summer 2020 is a magnificent collection that brings to life her inspiration of splendor and shows us once again her artistry.

So take a break from the monotony of home confinement and EJOY a little beauty from Son Jung Wan!

Video Photography by Mariana Leung